Apex Fun Run
Bidsy's Small Business , PA

Welcome Play Your Position Listeners

If you are on this page, it’s probably because you heard Mary Lou Kayser and me talk on the Play Your Position Podcast.

I hope you had as much fun listening to us, as I did talking with Mary Lou. She is a great host who is passionate about helping small business owners with the encouragement and information you need.
I'm passionate about making school fundraising easier and providing you a proven business model.
At Apex Fun Run we work with franchise owners to provide you a great business that serves you and your community.
Our method is to collaborate with school PTO/As and faculty to build student leaders through a meaningful, “hassle-free” and financially successful school fun run.
We Believe
  • Every child can change their school, and the world, in a profound way
  • Serving others brings the greatest joy and contributes to the greatest good
  • Learning by doing and exercise are both undervalued and underutilized in fundraising today
  • Encouragement and enthusiasm build others up—we will help build leaders
  • Raising money for your child’s school can also serve as a positive learning experience
  • Many people giving a little reduces the individual burden on the typical givers and donors
If you are interested in learning more about becoming one of our franchise partners, we should talk! Just fill out this form to begin the discussion.
Jeremy Barnhart APEX Fun Run


Jeremy Barnhart

Apex Fun Run

Want to learn more? Get in touch with us!

Your Name: *
Your Email: *
Your Phone Number: *